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Old May 12, 2009, 10:41 PM // 22:41   #21
Desert Nomad
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Sooo this is really an Ray of Judgement bashing thread now? In that case...

I lol at the people who call players who use RoJ, bots. I use and abuse RoJ like a champ. Why? Because RoJ and bombers allow you to rake in the Balth and Kurzick faction faster than any other build. Oh, and it works.

Honestly, most professions are equipped to deal with RoJ and Bombers *cough snares cough* which shouldn't be out of the ordinary on JQ builds anyways.

Oh... and advanced bots use Mantra of Resolve or Glyph of Concentration to stop most interupts.

Back on topic...

The appearance of bots is evident that the most people don't care about reporting, it's really the player's fault that so many bots are in JQ.
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Old May 12, 2009, 11:12 PM // 23:12   #22
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Botting is always evident of giving too high a reward (or at least something people want) for doing something that takes little skill and high repetition. That isn't the player's fault.
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Old May 13, 2009, 01:51 AM // 01:51   #23
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Types of bots I've seen in JQ:

- A RoJ bot with, at least, [Ray of Judgment][Bane Signet][Castigation Signet][Fall Back]. May have other skills. Tends to use Bane Signet to start, then RoJ, maybe FB! on recharge. Will stand still for a few seconds before acquiring a new target, probably nearest, and then running towards it to use more skills. Alternates with targeting the nearest quarry (item) and running towards that. Very non-aggressive.

- A RoJ bot with, at least, [Ray of Judgment][Arcane Echo][Spear of Light][Signet of Rage][Bane Signet][Castigation Signet]. May also carry [[Stonesoul Strike], maybe even [[Smite] or [[Banish]. Tends to carry a melee weapon, but I've also seen a few rare ones with spears or wands. Auto-targets enemies, charges at them and uses skills when available.

- Saw a Necro bot today with a similar behavior to that second RoJ bot. Can't remember the bar, but it was the first time I'd seen something like it.

It would be nice if botting reports were made similar to Dishonor, in that when you report someone, it will say something like, "Xx Yy has been reported for botting."
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Old May 23, 2009, 05:44 AM // 05:44   #24
Ascalonian Squire
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Me (and a few people I play with) are constantly getting Dishonorable for no apparent reason. I can understand if I blow a dirty word in all chat but why can't you make it show WHY I'm dishonorable. If someone doesn't like me they can /report me or perhaps that my build today was a point holding build they think I'm not doing anything. Either way fix this crap - it sucks. The game is only fun for me for a couple JQ runs here and there but this has to stop.

Just tell us WHY dishonorable status and from whom. Plus if you lose connection even if we re-connect we still get dishonorable.
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Old May 23, 2009, 07:19 AM // 07:19   #25
Furnace Stoker
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Same number of bots...running 24/7. Fewer actual players = the bots have a higher chance of being in a group with you. Late night is a good time to bot too...more bots in your group means fewer people to report you, so you can continue botting. Sure, more bots = less kills and wins but points are points, 1k is more than 0. That's how the botters think and you really can't do anything about it...just do something else during those hours.
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Old May 23, 2009, 01:30 PM // 13:30   #26
Ascalonian Squire
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Its really REALLY simple for anet to stop bots in JQ.

Bots operate by being able to predict which key sequence will work and get points.

1introduce a RANDOM method to get in the game.
for example, make a small room with 8 portals, and one is lit up red, with the message saying, pls enter red portal within 5 seconds after loading in. if the player doesnt, then kicked back to JQ outpost. if the player is a bot they have a 1/8 chance of getting it.... if the player is real they will get it unless they disconn after loading in.

apply dishonor hex after 3 misses.

or just require captcha (sp?)

2 make JQ 3 teams of 3 or 2 teams of 4.

there arent as many bots in AB because teams are formed. also... this will help the player intelligence level... the defy pain wammo cant find a group? then he goes and makes a meta RoJ monk and learns how to contribute.

also having played other cap game types in the past i can say that it is way too easy to cap points here in JQ. either make the map bigger, the npcs spread out or buff the npcs. actual gameplay might result.
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Old May 23, 2009, 01:41 PM // 13:41   #27
Pre-Searing Cadet
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Noloaders, bots, leechers oh my.......(in jq)

Well.... The botting is getting FLAGRANT! What do I mean by that? I saw bots yesterday with the word 'bot' in the character name. The bot owners aren't worried I guess if they are going to do that.

Among the usual monk roj bots, I saw my first warrior bot yesterday. It just spammed Charge and Heal signet as they were available which means it was probably using the default warrior premade skillbar. It never left the base we loaded in.

Had one JQ game with two who never loaded, two bots, and two leechers. Yup, me and one other person left to actually play the round.
We actually only lost 10-6 because I imagine it was pretty much the same on the other side.

Nope, I don't ragequit, faction is faction. I just play my tunes and drink my alcoholic beverages and hope for a better run next time.
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Old May 23, 2009, 02:31 PM // 14:31   #28
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why? Because RoJ and bombers allow you to rake in the Balth and Kurzick faction faster than any other build. Oh, and it works.
-Psychic Distraction/ Power Lock/ Power Block against Ray of Judgement.
-Rend Enchantments against Necro bombers.
-Wastrels Worry on carriers.

Mesmers rule the quarry... it is just too easy.
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Old May 23, 2009, 02:45 PM // 14:45   #29
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Originally Posted by EPO Bot View Post
Man everyone is abusing RoJ these days. Not just monks but assassins, eles mezmers and even wammos. Something must be done.
Like ... bringing interrupts?
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Old May 23, 2009, 03:05 PM // 15:05   #30
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Pblock/hum sig > RoJ /close thread
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Old May 23, 2009, 04:02 PM // 16:02   #31
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If they help the team win then theirs no complaint lol.
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Old May 27, 2009, 05:27 PM // 17:27   #32
Ascalonian Squire
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im sick of bots STILL. what REALLY annoys me is that the bots are teh same name/guild tag

90% of bots that i see are [ct] or [Ooh] guild tag. they run all day and night from what i can see when i log in at various times. they have been running for MONTHS.

the change to dishonour helped a lot to eliminate leechers... but bots barely contribute more than leechers and are unfairly gaining faction. makes my r11 title feel cheapened... not to mention harder to get with the bots.

easiest way to stop this is to make JQ 2 teams of 4... or 3 teams of 4.
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Old May 27, 2009, 05:34 PM // 17:34   #33
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bots are lame, leechers are lamer.
i just stopped with JQ and doing DTSC now, and Anet likes that, double vanq weekend lol
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Old May 27, 2009, 05:39 PM // 17:39   #34
Jungle Guide
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If you are complaining about bots u also may want to take a look at them at bergen hot springs too.
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Old May 27, 2009, 05:46 PM // 17:46   #35
Desert Nomad
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Originally Posted by EPO Bot View Post
Basically: When you see a lonely dot on the radar moving towards the nearest quarry you know you better hurry or it all goes up in flames.

Man everyone is abusing RoJ these days. Not just monks but assassins, eles mezmers and even wammos. Something must be done.
Don't forget the RoJ dervish. No one expects that one. Hence, no one interrupts it, except the npcs. But by then it's too late.

This is what I use when I go there, and it is so hilarious, because it actually works.
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Old May 27, 2009, 06:50 PM // 18:50   #36
Ascalonian Squire
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Originally Posted by Trader of Secrets View Post
If you are complaining about bots u also may want to take a look at them at bergen hot springs too.
well JQ is supposed to be PvPish... and i report these same bots OVER and OVER again. it's almost like no one from anet looks at the reports or even cares. it's really simple to pick out the bots... and you cant tell me its a matter of them buying accounts after than the accounts get banned. these are the same names and same guild tags.

brassai pvp [ct]
smite smite gut [Ooh]
ya will burn a lot [Ooh]

and many others with those same two guild tags. brassai for example ive seen around for about a month now.

as i typed this i saw smite smite gut in jq outpost sitting on the jade quarry sign... having targeted nearest object and spacing. i just saw him come back in... and run over straight to that sign.

this cant get much more obvious..... just go into jq outpost and wait 5 minutes, you'll see about 3-4 bots cycle in and out going after that post waiting on the timer to let them in again.

when cheating like this is blatantly obvious... there's a problem.
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Old May 27, 2009, 07:42 PM // 19:42   #37
Desert Nomad
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I had a Ranger follow me around the entire game once, doing nothing but follow, even when I died, it find me.

bena: It's against forum rules to call out player names.
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Old May 27, 2009, 08:25 PM // 20:25   #38
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Originally Posted by bena View Post
Its really REALLY simple for anet to stop bots in JQ.

Bots operate by being able to predict which key sequence will work and get points.

1introduce a RANDOM method to get in the game.
for example, make a small room with 8 portals, and one is lit up red, with the message saying, pls enter red portal within 5 seconds after loading in. if the player doesnt, then kicked back to JQ outpost. if the player is a bot they have a 1/8 chance of getting it.... if the player is real they will get it unless they disconn after loading in.

apply dishonor hex after 3 misses.

or just require captcha (sp?)

2 make JQ 3 teams of 3 or 2 teams of 4.

there arent as many bots in AB because teams are formed. also... this will help the player intelligence level... the defy pain wammo cant find a group? then he goes and makes a meta RoJ monk and learns how to contribute.

also having played other cap game types in the past i can say that it is way too easy to cap points here in JQ. either make the map bigger, the npcs spread out or buff the npcs. actual gameplay might result.
one problem with your idea is for peeps like me that are slow loaders. now i dont take all day to load but it does take me at least a minute to load in. old comp ftl. and sad to say some days the bots are smarter then the peeps i play with in jq/fa.
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Old May 27, 2009, 11:22 PM // 23:22   #39
Ascalonian Squire
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Originally Posted by AngelWJedi View Post
one problem with your idea is for peeps like me that are slow loaders. now i dont take all day to load but it does take me at least a minute to load in. old comp ftl. and sad to say some days the bots are smarter then the peeps i play with in jq/fa.
what i meant was... when your loading screen is done, and reveals the map, your client would let the server know that the player is loaded. THEN the timer starts... so a 2 minute long load on weird or even frequent lag would not cause a problem. even once the timer starts, even on a 1k lag you would be able to click the right thing with time to spare.... a bot would have to go thru them all and would only get to 2-3 guesses in the time you would lag out and guess the right one.

another solution would be to remove objects and signposts from JQ. 98% of bots or so use ";" then "space" to succesfully get out of base. following ally or targeting closest enemy is unreliable for a bot. removing the object "to the yellow quarry" etc would be a severe hindrance to bot ability to imitate players enough to not get reported.
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Old Jun 01, 2009, 08:26 AM // 08:26   #40
Frost Gate Guardian
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Take note that there are quite a few bots who aren't RoJ-users.

One bot was a ranger which spent the entire round following me, doing nothing else. That was pretty obvious and frustratingly useless to the team.

Another bot was actually more useful. It was a warrior which followed players around, or beelined towards the nearest enemy and unleashed a flurry of axe skills at it. That one actually managed to kill a few RoJ'ing monks. Still, it was stupid enough to charge straight into a fully populated quarry.

Both cases /report'ed obviously. I hate bots.
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